Hub Events 2022

16th April 2022
Glenavon Community Hub will be hosting our very own Neighbours day for everyone surrounded by Glenavon. There will be loads of fun activities, games and competitions so bring your tribe down for some fun!
Saturday 16th April 2022 from 10am-2pm at Glenavon School
340 Blockhouse Bay Rd, BlockHouse Bay.

Meet the Team, these are the lovely faces of Our Community Hub.
RJ our HUB Co-Ordinator, Jacqui our Community Support Worker, Sports Play Developer, Sky our Fabulous Team Community Connector and Our little Mascot Johnson, the character that brings big friendly smiles to the Hub .
Making Ends Meet
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-4pm Our team put on Making Ends Meet for all our whanau and friends to come and find some valuable good for their homes.
340 Blockhouse Bay Rd.
Please contact Jacqui if you have any questions. (0223137457)

Community Sports
Our Team run a community sport programme after school for our young ones to get interactive and learn sports and bike safety.
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
Kai, Korero, rere to Aroha!
Members of Glenavon Community Trust and Hub Team met to honor 2 much loved people. Nga Mihi for all your blood, sweat and Tears you put into our community, hub team and Trust.
TEPANO TAUIA. Founding Member Glenavon Community Trust 2009 – 2021
EVA WONGCHIU our first Hub Co Ordinator 2018 – 2021

Matariki Celebration 2022
Our goal for this years Matariki was to bring everyone together and Celebrate the meaning and value behind this special event.
We as Individuals', Pairs and most Importantly a Community achieved that!
So a big , warm Mihi to our Hub Team for their hard mahi and to YOU... Our Community, Whanau for coming and being apart of it.
Glenavon Hub & Trust

Cook Island Language Week
Kia Orana!
Nga Mihi to Our Cook Island Families in Our Community that shared a bit of their culture with us all and to the rest that joined and enjoyed one another's company.
So wonderful to see us come together to celebrate everyone's culture and give aroha.

Next Steps ....
To be Continued...