Glenavon Hub launches community sports programme
November 2, 2020 | 2 minutes read
After a few lockdowns and the impact of Covid-19, as a community, we are eager to reconnect, regroup, and restart again.
Sport and recreation build stronger, healthier, happier, and safer communities and develop strong social bonds. It can teach values such as fairness, team building, equality, discipline, inclusion, perseverance, and respect.
As a community, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging is what connects us to the many relationships we develop. In Glenavon, we are surrounded by people who share similar values. There is so much to learn, so much to teach, so much to love.
At our Sports Programme launch on Tuesday, it was pouring with rain, but that did not stop our whanau coming together. It was a big celebration for our families, a game of volleyball for the adults, touch rugby and tag for our young children.
We then had a sausage sizzle to finish off the day. It was a wonderful day. Awesome atmosphere with a warm feeling of a community coming together.
Awesome job by our sports committee team, twelve local members of the Glenavon community leading and owning it.
Thanks to our parents, our children, our teachers, and well done to our Sports Committee team for the way you delivered on our very first community sports day for our community.
Great turn out - Awesome Vibe - FUN FUN FUN and a good kai at the end.
Solid work team!